We're in Alpha. Give feedback to help us improve.
A transparent look at what we're working on and planning for WealthCheckin.
Basic signup, optional email reminders
Manual entry of assets and liabilities
Total assets, liabilities, and net worth calculation
Full updates while retaining previous values for tracking
Simple net worth history over time
See how your wealth grows over time with detailed progress tracking
Create your own asset and liability categories that match your needs
Track assets and liabilities in different currencies
Connect related items like mortgages to properties to see true equity
Easily import your data from spreadsheets and files
Keep track of your complete financial journey
See where your wealth could be in the future
Find the fastest way to become debt-free with smart repayment strategies
Auto-update assets via open banking integration
Breakdown of returns on stocks/crypto/etc.
We're constantly improving WealthCheckin based on your feedback. Have an idea for a feature? Let us know.